
In the News

  • Muscular Christianity at Camp

    Source: The Living Church by G. Jeffrey MacDonald
    Rope Climbing at Lake Delaware Boys Camp

    Waking up on a summer day at Lake Delaware Boys Camp in the Catskill Mountains wilderness is like dreaming time has stood still. The morning regimen is virtually unchanged from 105 years ago, when the camp was founded. Yet it never fails to capture boys’ attention. more»

  • A Century of Character-Building and Games

    Source: The New York Times by Robin Finn

    The mist hangs damp and heavy in the Catskills most mornings, obscuring the rising sun. It muffles the incessant birdsong and puts a dewy sheen on eight old-fashioned tarpaulin tents where 100 boys ages 9 to 16 are nestled in sleeping bags. more»