Parent of camper
I’m not sure most people could appreciate the wonderful effect LDBC has had on my son after he started attending Camp. At LDBC he is living testimony that the concepts taught at LDBC, brotherhood, faith, challenge and structure—fundamental to a boy’s growth—are key to his maturing process. I have noticed many differences in my son since he began attending LDBC. Now he faces challenges in stride where before he got easily frustrated. Now he appreciates achieving honestly earned rewards and experiencing new things, where before he was more focused on acquiring material things. I have observed that he is more responsible, copes better with failure, is better mannered and knows what it means to work towards a goal. When my son entered LDBC he bore the burden of certain level of insecurity, emotional immaturity and his time there has alleviated him of a lot of that. For that I am truly thankful for LDBC.